Thursday, January 26, 2012

A New Year

I notice that my last entry in here was September 23, 2010.  That was well over a year ago.  Unacceptable.

One of my goals for 2012 is to write in here more often.  I feel like I've said that before in the past... and I don't think I did a good job keeping to it.  So hopefully this year proves to be different.

I realized that I enjoy writing.  Sometimes I have these visions in my mind where I'm sitting at a coffee shop with my laptop.  I'm typing away at something, perhaps a blog entry, perhaps something else, I'm not quite sure.  And as the coffee shop fills up with people around, I drown them out in the background because I have headphones on and I'm listening to something on Pandora.  And I get lost in my own little world as I type away.  Maybe I'll do this one day.  It sounds like it would be fun.

Welcome 2012.  I am most certain you will be quite an interesting year. I eagerly await what happens.

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