Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Flag Football: Dumb Play By Me

Flag football season started again last night!  w00t w00t.

We came away with a win so that was pretty sweet.

The score was 28-26 and we were up.  We had the ball with about 1 minute left and all we needed to do was get a first down. Then we could run out the clock and we'd win.  The opposing team had 2 timeouts and was trying to stop us from getting the first down.  We ran a few plays and it became 3rd and short and then we ran a play that got us to 4th and inches.  However, there was some pushing on our line during that play so the opposing team had a decision to make.  Accept penalty (3rd and longer) or decline penalty (4th and inches).  They decided to decline the penalty and so it was 4th and inches.  We call a play, line up, and execute...fairly decently.  We get the first down.

Now there are maybe 15 seconds on the clock and we had a 1st down.  We didn't need to do anything and we could've just won.  Just like that.  I could've just kept the ball and run around, I could've handed the ball off, I could've done just about anything.  But I didn't.  Brain fart happened and I decide to launch the ball straight up into the air... not really directed at anyone.  I immediately regretted the decision.  The play resulted in a turnover because they intercepted it.  The entire team looked at me and started yelling. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!? YOU SHOULD'VE JUST KEPT IT." I laughed and shook my head saying, "whoops..."  So now there were 7 second left on the clock and if the other team scored, they would win.  They still had the entire field to go so I thought it was nearly impossible.  But nevertheless my team wasn't the happiest with me.  I guess I didn't make such a smart decision. I came off the field because I don't play defense and the last play of the game happens.  I guess I built up this story a lot, but long story short, we still ended up winning.  They tried a deep throw but we were able to knock it down.

After that play I said to my team, "I just wanted to get your hearts beating some, make you worry for a little!"

I don't think they enjoyed it.  Dumb play by me.  Oh well :)

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