Here are some of the lyrics:
All princes start as frogs
All gentlemen as dogs
Just wait till it's plan to see
What we're growing up to be
Cause some frogs will still be frogs
Some dogs will still be dogs
But some boys can become men
Just don't kiss us till then
Aren't those lyrics so true?
//begin sidenote:
I think I have pretty weird and random taste in music. I think when I find an artist that I like (whether it's the actual kind of music or the lyrics that they sing, I listen to them constantly for a decent amount of time and then I'll move onto something else. Recently... I've gone through several phases. I don't exactly remember the order that these go in, but here's a list of the artists that come immediately to mind.Owl City
Taylor Swift
Casting Crowns
Boys Like Girls
Five for Fighting
Tenth Avenue North
//end sidenote
Anyways, I heard the Superchick song and I think I totally agree with what was said. Guys start off pretty much as dogs. A while back a movie was released into theaters starring Katherine Heigl and Gerald Butler. The movie was called "The Ugly Truth." The movie depicted how guys tend to only have one things on their mind and that they'll do just about anything to sleep with a girl. I thought the movie was very sad, but very true.
I think society has pounded in the message that guys need to go around and sleep with as many women as possible because that's what gives us "worth." After all, sex is fun, right? Well... yes and no. I think in the right context, sex can be amazing. This context is marriage. Outside of a marriage, sex is messy and can lead to lots of problems.
Back to the truth about the song. I think as sinful beings, guys tend to think about sleeping with girls far more than they will probably admit (or maybe some willingly admit it). So for those guys that say that they don't think about it, they are probably lying. And here's where God comes in. I believe that only through God's grace and mercy are guys allowed to take all of their messed up thoughts and turn from them. God promises us so much more than just temporary pleasure and worldly satisfaction. Thus, I strongly believe that the only way for guys to turn from dogs and frogs to princes and gentlemen is through the power of Christ. And it's not an easy process, but it's through a refining process that takes work and effort.
So what does a gentleman look like? I've been reading some articles that do a fairly decent job of defining it.
-The guy needs to be a believer
-The guy must be able and willing to provide for his family
-The guy must love sacrificially
-The guy must be honest, have a good reputation and strive for the qualities of a spiritual leader
For a more detailed look, click here (yeah yeah, I know the articles are about preparing for marriage... deal with it :))
So girls, make sure you confirm that the guy you are with is a gentleman before you kiss him :).
hopefully we'll turn to men, not just for a girl. may we constantly be reminded of who we live for.